2009年11月16日 星期一

Week 2 Day 1

To the Point
Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named "silent cal" by reporters because of his laconic speech.One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of reporters gathered around the Chief Executive.One intrepid reporter accosted him:"Mr. President, we know the sermon is on the topic of sin, what did the minister say?" "He was against it, " the reticent Coolidge replied.
因為他簡潔的言論,美國記者們給他們第十三任總統Calvin Coolidge取個沉默凱爾的綽號。某一個星期天,在Coolidge先生聽完一個永無止盡的佈道後,一群記者聚集在總統身旁。其中一個很勇敢的記者接近總統並發問:"總統先生,我們知道這次的佈道主題是關於罪惡,請問牧師怎麼闡述?"沉默的Coolidge回答說:"他反對罪惡"。
1. laconic 簡潔的 adj.
2. throng 大群 n.
3. interpid 勇敢的 adj.
4. accost 接近與之攀談 v.
5. reticent 無言的,沉默的 adj.
6. to the point 扼要
7. interminable 永無止境的 adj. (Week 1 Day 4)
8. sermon 佈道 n.
9. Chief Executive 總統 n.
10. minister 牧師 n.

Today's Idiom
The sword of Damocles

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1. Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named "silent cal" by reporters because of his laconic speech.
第一句當中的Calvin Coolidge就是故事的主角,也是主詞,用兩個逗號所夾的名詞片語來說明他是誰,他就是美國第十三任總統。這裡用到被動語態的基本句型: 主詞 + be + p.p.+by +someone
被誰取暱稱會用被動語態,所以用was named by reporters ,取名叫做silent cal 就當named後面的受詞。後面還說明原因,用because of這個片語時,跟because的差異就在於 because of +名詞, because + 子句。

2.One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of reporters gathered around the Chief Executive.
第二句開頭先說明時間,然後再用after這個連接詞來表達事情發生的狀況。had listened to 用過去完成式來表達,表示整個故事都是在過去的時間所發生的,而在過去那段時間中,Coolidge已經聽完一場佈道,所以用過去完成式。也就是聽佈道這件事,在過去某個時間已經完成,而整個故事是過去式表達,所以用過去完成式。

3.One intrepid reporter accosted him:"Mr. President, we know the sermon is on the topic of sin, what did the minister say?" "He was against it, " the reticent Coolidge replied.
第三句利用對話的方式完成,使用了引號(quotation mark)(" ")。當在寫引號中的句子時,就視同一般的普通句子來寫,也就是怎麼說就怎麼寫,不需要改變主詞動詞等等的位置。

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