2009年11月17日 星期二

Week 2 Day 2

If I Had the Wings of Angel
Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog. A plethora of escapes from the supposedly secure prison embarrassed the hapless warden. To compound their problems, the city officials were badgered by irate citizens who accused the prison guards of accepting bribes from the convicts whose motto was:" Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage."

1. furtive 偷偷的 adj.
2. felon 重罪犯 n.
3. plethora 過多 n.
4. hapless 不幸的 adj.
5. irate 生氣的,憤怒的 adj.
6. warden 典獄長 n.
7. compound 增加,加重 v. (Week 1 Day 3)
8. badger 煩擾,糾纏 v. (Week 1 Day 4)
9. accuse 指控 v.
10. bribe 賄賂 n.
11. convict 囚犯 n.

Today's Idiom
Pyrrhic victory
西元前279年,羅馬軍隊和希臘北部Epirus的國王Pyrrhus率領的大軍在Asculum打仗,這一仗羅馬軍隊敗北,Pyrrhus勝利,但是他卻損失了許多重要的領袖官員及軍隊。Pyrrhus那時說了一句話,他說Another such victory and we are lost,意思就是雖然贏得勝利,但是因為損失很慘重,如果再來一役,必定慘敗。後來Pyrrhic victory就引申為代價相當昂貴的勝利。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1. Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog.
第一句話用V+ing開始,原句應該可以寫成 The felon casted a frutive glance....and he slipped out....。因為兩句的主詞一樣,做這個動作的人就是後面的主詞 the felon,所以前面可以省略主詞而改用V+ing的方式。

2.A plethora of escapes from the supposedly secure prison embarrassed the hapless warden.
a plethora of +N. 表示過多的.... 這邊表示越獄過多使典獄長難堪,而from the suppposedly secure prison則是以介係詞片語來形容escapes ,原句也可以用關係代名詞來表示,寫成 a plethora of escapes that are from.... 把that are省略就變成了這個句子的樣式。 embarrass是指害羞尷尬難堪,跟interest, confuse, bore, surprise, excite等情緒動詞使用方式一樣,若用動詞方式,一定是 something embarrasses someone,某事讓某人難堪。若是人感到難堪,會用someone be embarrassed with/by something 。

3.To compound their problems, the city officials were badgered by irate citizens who accused the prison guards of accepting bribes from the convicts whose motto was:" Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage."
第三句先用不定詞開頭,是什麼造成問題更多呢,就是後面的句子所提到的事情了。the city officials were badgered by irate citizens這句話是標準的被動語態,主詞+ be +p.p. +by ...,因為是在過去發生的,所以用過去式的be動詞。 那又是什麼樣的citizens 呢? 所以用關係代名詞who來形容citizens。也就是居民們控訴守衛收賄,後面的whose則是關係代名詞,代表誰的..。這裡指的是convicts的座右銘,所以用whose motto。後面這句motto則是一個倒裝句,原句應該是Stone walls do not make a prison; iron bars do not make a cage, either. 因為是用詩的形式,句子就可以倒裝,所以前一段話改成 stone walls do not a prison make, 後一段話用nor開頭, 因為形式都是一樣的,所以把動詞直接省略,就寫成了 nor iron bars a cage, 其實就是nor do iron bars make a cage。

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