2009年11月25日 星期三

Week 3 Day 3

Courtroom Drama
There was an ominous silence when the jittery defendant rose in court. He explained in a tremulous voice what had led him to repudiate his confession made at the police station on the night of the crime. The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise. Although the district attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told he could see a lawyer before confessing.

1. ominous 不詳的,預視的 adj.
2. tremulous 顫抖的,害怕的 adj.
3. repudiate 否認,駁斥 v.
4. cessation 停止 n.
5. bristle 因害怕或生氣而僵硬 v.
6. jittery 緊張不安的 adj.
7. defendant 被告 n.
8.buzz 嗡嗡聲響 v.
9. attorney 律師,檢察官 n.
10.confess 坦白,承認 v.

Today's Idiom
Skid Row
,Skid Row就變成城鎮裡,伐木工人居住的區域,裡頭充滿許多的酒吧及妓院。1930年代以後,Skid Row就演變成今日的用法,成為形容有許多流浪漢,酒鬼常常出沒的貧民區。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.There was an ominous silence when the jittery defendant rose in court.
第一句用there was開頭,表示有什麼事發生了。when的子句點明了何事發生。

2.He explained in a tremulous voice what had led him to repudiate his confession made at the police station on the night of the crime.
第二句的 in a tremulous voice就是副詞片語,用來形容被告解釋時後說話是很顫抖的。what也是關係代名詞,其實就是the things which的意思,而confession後面的made at the police station on the night of the crime,其實是將 confession (that is) made at the ...中的關係代名詞和be動詞that is省略而成,這裡用made的意思就是被動語態,表示自白是被被告說出的。而後面的on the police station就是表明地點,on the night of the crime就是表明時間。

3.The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise.
第三句中,旁聽的民眾之所以會開始buzz就是因為被告翻供了,所以大家開始議論紛紛,可是在法庭上又不會講的很大聲,都私下在小聲講話,所以聲音就變成嗡嗡作響的感覺,所以用buzz這個字。後面的until的用法,曾經介紹過,表示until前面的動作會一直持續到until後面的動作為止,所以這邊就是說 民眾議論紛紛的這個動作(until前面的動作)一直持續到法官制止(until後面的動作)為止,所以時間順序就是民眾講話-->法官制止-->民眾停止講話。

4.Although the district attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told he could see a lawyer before confessing.
英文的句子中,有although 就沒有but,有but就沒有although,所以即使中文翻譯兩者都出現,英文當中是看不到的。
bristle 這個字在當名詞時是鬃毛,動詞時就是毛髮直立的狀態,最常可以看到的就是貓在生氣時,往往會拱著身體,然後毛髮直立,所以當檢察官聽到被告翻供時,當然就很生氣,好像全身僵硬,毛髮直立的感覺。
keep當持續的時候,後面的動詞會用 Ving的形式。insist 為堅持,當堅持的事是名詞時,會用insist on+ N. (或 + Ving),on 這個介係詞,這邊因為堅持的事情是用句子來表達,不是簡單的名詞,所以用that引出後面的子句。

