2009年11月24日 星期二

Week 3 Day 2

The Handcuff is Quicker than the Eye
Slippery Eddie, the infamous pickpocket, was back at work, and every detective had to be especially vigilant. Eddie's technique was to jostle a victim towards a confederate who would then slip the man's wallet out of his back packet while Eddie was stammering an apology to the confused dupe. Within a week the incipient crimewave came to an end when Eddie inadvertently chose the chief of police for his victim. Although Eddie loathes Sing Sing, it is his permanent address now.


1.infamous 惡名昭彰的 adj.
2.jostle 推,擠 v.
3.dupe 容易受騙的人 n.
4.incipient 起初的,剛開始的 adj.
5.inadvertent 不注意的 adj.
6.detective 偵探,警探 n.
7.vigilant 警惕的,謹慎的 adj.
8.confederate 共犯 n.
9.stammer 結巴 v.
10.come to an end 結束 v.
11.Sing Sing 監獄 n.
Sing Sing 是美國紐約的一所監獄,全名為:Sing Sing Correctional Facility
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sing_Sing 有他的介紹
12.permanent 永久的 adj.

Today's idiom
carry the day

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
標頭的 the handcuff is quicker than the eye其實是改寫自the hand is quicker than the eye這句話,原來的意思是魔術師在變魔術時,因為手法快速,常常這一秒看到的東西,下一秒就變不見了,所以the hand is quicker than the eye就變成形容魔術師的手法高明,速度快到眼睛都看不清。這裡將hand用handcuff取代,根據文章的內容,表示被害人雖然搞不清楚錢怎麼被偷了,但是最後犯罪者還是被抓,套上手銬,送入大牢。

1.Slippery Eddie, the infamous pickpocket, was back at work, and every detective had to be especially vigilant.
第一句話在Eddie前面多加的一個形容詞,其實就是他的別稱,美國人很喜歡替人物取一些暱稱,用來形容這個人的特色,在這邊用slippery不僅有狡猾的意思,還表示他的扒錢手法高明,可以將皮夾偷的讓受害者都不知情。在Eddie用了兩個commas,所夾住的名稱就是同位語,用來解釋Eddie是怎麼樣的一個人,所以我們就知道它是一個扒手。and後面的句子則是說明警察都要小心注意了,因為Eddie會開始犯罪。had to 就是have to 的過去是,代表必須,一定,後面一定是原型動詞。

2.Eddie's technique was to jostle a victim towards a confederate who would then slip the man's wallet out of his back packet while Eddie was stammering an apology to the confused dupe.
這裡用主詞+be動詞+to V.不定詞的方式來表達偷竊手法的方式。confederate後面加了一個關係代名詞who用來形容共犯的作為。當共犯在偷皮夾時,Eddie則假裝對被害者說對不起,讓被害者失去戒心,可說中西手法皆同。while後面用進行式,表示當共犯在偷東西的同時,Eddie表達抱歉的動作同時間正在進行,因為是過去的事實,所以be動詞用過去式。

3.Within a week the incipient crimewave came to an end when Eddie inadvertently chose the chief of police for his victim.
within的意思是在...之內,如果這裡用in a week,就會變成一週後,會變成未來式。 something come to an end表示某事結束了,因為Eddie在太歲爺上動土,最後下場當然是被抓。

4.Although Eddie loathes Sing Sing, it is his permanent address now.
loathe是動詞,表示討厭,另一個字loath是形容詞,也是討厭不喜歡的意思。但使用動詞時,會是 loathe +Ving,使用形容詞會是 be + loath + to V. 兩者用法不同。Sing Sing是紐約監獄的名稱,美國常常會用某些東西的名字來作為某個東西的代名詞,這裡就是用Sing Sing取代監獄,就像她們會用影印機廠牌Xerox來稱呼影印機一樣。

2 則留言:

  1. 謝謝你的分享,對自修的我來說真是受惠良多。

  2. 感恩,您走過的路
