2009年11月18日 星期三

Week 2 Day 3

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde
Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital. When interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a tale of his medical experience, but he was so adroit at lying that he got away with it. It was not until the phony "doctor" began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud. In the annals of medical history there have been a number of such cases.

1.pretext 藉口 n.
2.fabricate 偽造,杜撰,製造 v.
3.adroit 靈巧的,熟練的 adj.
4.gesticulate 作手勢 v.
5.vigilant 警戒的,警惕的 adj.
6.surgeon 外科醫生 n.
7.get away with 僥倖成功,逃脫
8.phony 假的 adj.
9.scalpel 解剖刀 n.
10.fraud 騙局 n.
11.annals 歷史記載 n.(Week 1 Day 3)

Today's Idiom
a wet blanket

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
  • 標頭的 Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde就是一個很重要的人物。這其實是由作家Robert Louis Stevenson 在1886年所出版的一本書The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,中文翻譯為化身博士。這本書中主角Jekyll醫生原本是一個善人,但他個性中潛藏的邪惡促使他發明了一種藥水,可以讓人個性轉變身材改變而換成另一種身分而為所欲為。Jekyll醫生喝下藥水之後,搖身一變成為大家討厭的鄙俗男子Hyde。後來Jekyll and Hyde還被引用成為心理學雙重人格的代稱。而這篇文章用Dr. Jykell and Mr. Hyde的目的不是在說雙重人格的故事,而是指假扮成醫生的一場騙局。
1. Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital.
在什麼樣的藉口之下這個片語可以用under the pretext of...。 of後面接的要不是名詞,就是將動詞改成Ving的形式。

2. When interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a tale of his medical experience, but he was so adroit at lying that he got away with it.
第二句原來的複雜形式為when he was interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a story of his medical experience. 但因為when後面的子句跟主要子句的主詞是同一個人,可以將when後面的這個字句的主詞跟be動詞省略,變成when interviewed by the director。注意這邊的interviewed by the director其實就是被動語態,所以interview用的是 -ed 的模式,而不是 -ing的形式,因為這邊是他被面試,而不是他去面試其他人。have to 這個片語就是必須的意思,後面加原型動詞,這邊因為是過去的事情,所以用過去式had to 。
後面一句 but he was...是將前面的語氣作一個轉折,所以用but這個連接詞。意思就是說他雖然是假造故事來面試,但是實在是太會編了,所以連院長都被騙過去,以為是真的。so...that...的用法跟前面幾篇的文章用法都一樣,是一個非常實用的片語。
be adroit at的意思實際上就是 be good at的意思,凡是介係詞後面的動詞一定是Ving的形式。
lie這個字當做說謊時,動詞變化為 lie,lied, lied, 進行式為lying; 若lie這個字當躺,臥,放置時,動詞變化為lie, lay, lain,進行式一樣為lying。

3.It was not until the phony "doctor" began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud.

until跟not until的意思是不同的。until中文翻成直到...; not until中文翻成直到...才...。原句是倒裝句,原來應該可以寫成 a vigilant nurse was not able to detect the fraud until the phony doctor began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel.。若我們要強調語氣時,就可以使用倒裝句,將 until(連同後面接的動作的句子)拿到句子前面,再加上it is這個虛主詞,原來句子前有 not的就要和until(連同後面的動作的句子)一起拿到句首,所以原來的直述句,就寫成了作者所寫的這個句子。
當until出現時,不論前面是否有not,都表示until前面所做的動作會一直持續到until後面的動作出現為止。以這一句來看,護士沒辦法查覺是騙子的這件事(until前面所做的動作)會一直持續到假醫生亂揮舞解剖刀(until後面的動作)為止,換句話說 就是直到假醫生亂揮舞解剖刀後,護士發覺這個人是一個大騙子。

4.In the annals of medical history there have been a number of such cases.
最後一句很簡單,只要注意中文的"有",在英文上未必是用have/has表達,在這裡要用 there is/are的方式來表達。這裡用現在完成式,表示這種例子已經有很多發生過了。

1 則留言:

  1. lay laid laid laying 放,擱
    lie lay lain lying 躺,臥
