2009年12月3日 星期四

Week 4 Day 4

The Decline of Mullins
Mullins sought solace in whiskey. Once a highly-respected aspirant for the lightweight crown, he now found himself associating with the dregs of Skid Row. He would work himself into the alcoholic frenzy in which he would trumpet scurrilous attacks on the champ, the manager, and the judge. One avid fight fan attributed Mullins' absence from ring to sickness, saying that he was "recovering from a bad case of -- SCOTCH."

1. solace 慰藉,安慰 n.
2. aspirant 名譽地位的追求者 n.
3. dregs 殘渣 n.
4. frenzy 瘋狂,激動 n.
5. scurrilous 粗俗的,下流的 adj.
6. Skid Row 貧民窟 n.

Today's Idiom
to rule the roost

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.Mullins sought solace in whiskey.
solace就是安慰的意思,seek solace in something或是 take solace in something就是藉...尋找安慰,所以seek solace in drink就是借酒澆愁的意思。whiskey就是威士忌,是一種酒精濃度頗高的酒類,所以Mullins是真的很傷心的以酒麻醉自己。

2.Once a highly-respected aspirant for the lightweight crown, he now found himself associating with the dregs of Skid Row.
once是曾經,一度是的意思,拳擊比賽會依照參賽者的體重將選手分為幾個級距,羽量級feather weight,輕量級 light weight,重量級 heavy weight。associate就是聯想的意思,要表達和什麼聯想在一起,就用associate with something,介係詞是with。dregs是指飲料底部的殘渣,這個字一定有s,dregs of Skid Row就表示貧民窟的殘渣,是殘渣中的殘渣。

3.He would work himself into the alcoholic frenzy in which he would trumpet scurrilous attacks on the champ, the manager, and the judge.
work into這裡就是指Mullins是自己甘願讓自己陷入酒精之中,因為他現實生活不如意,所以只能在喝醉酒時,用粗俗的語言來攻擊傷害過他的人,但實際上,真正傷害他的不是別人,是自己。
frenzy後面的in which就是 in the alcoholic frenzy的意思,which只能代替前面的名詞,介係詞是不能一併代替的,所以該有的介係詞還是得保留。trumpet是小喇叭,動詞就是吹小喇叭,在這裡就是大聲說出,(像吹小喇叭那樣的音量)。

4.One avid fight fan attributed Mullins' absence from ring to sickness, saying that he was "recovering from a bad case of -- SCOTCH."
attribute A to B的意思就是把A的原因歸咎於B。scotch這個字就是酒類的名稱,借酒澆愁愁更愁,逃避也沒法解決問題,因此這個拳擊迷才會說是個bad case。

