2009年12月9日 星期三

Week 5 Day 3

Star Player is Caught
The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam. If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid affair, our chance for winning the city championship would go up in smoke. The distraught coach asked the principal to overlook Art's duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given a plethora of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance.
讓作弊醜聞事件到達很緊急關頭的事情,就是我們足球隊隊長,Art Krause犯了很大的過錯,在期中考考試作弊時被抓。假如Art因為這個作弊事件而暫停他的球員資格,那我們想要在城市比賽獲得冠軍的機會便化為烏有了。苦惱的教練要求校長原諒Ark的犯行,但是Dorsey先生用很刻薄的方式回答說,球員被教導許多運動方面的教育,卻很少被教導道德教育。

1. egregious 非常的,極惡的
2. distraught 煩惱的,心煩意亂的
3. duplicity 欺騙
4. acrimonious 刻薄的,嚴厲的
5. paucity 少量
6. scandal 醜聞
7. come to a head 達到緊要關頭
8. sordid 骯髒的,卑鄙的 (Week 4 Day3)
9. go up in smoke 化為烏有 (Week 3 Day 4)
10. plethora 過多 (Week 2 Day 2)

Today's Idiom
to pass the buck

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞片語(咖啡色) 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam.
第一句又是when的句型,主要子句 the cheating scandal came to a head表示作弊事件的高潮出現了,our football captain用兩個逗號標記,表示是Art Krause的同位語,他made a mistake of Ving。get caught cheating就是作弊被抓。midterm exam表示期中考,final exam則是期末考。

2.If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid affair, our chance for winning the city championship would go up in smoke.
第二句是if的句型,這裡用were suspended表示和現在事實相反,還不確定是否會被停權,但萬一停權,就會有...的狀況,所以用were。

3.The distraught coach asked the principal to overlook Art's duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given a plethora of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance.
ask someone to do something就是要求某人做某事。Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion這句話可以寫成 Dorsey replied acrimoniously也可以寫成 Dorsey replied in an acremonious way意思都是用刻薄的方式回答。最後面a plethora of和 a paucity of正好是兩個相反意思的詞,前者表示過多的,後面表示過少的。

