2009年12月21日 星期一

Week 7 Day 1

More Ado about Haircut
Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers? We were one of first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformist who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall. At first it seemed like a simple case. The school would reprimand the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended. But the boys' parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction. They took their case to the newspapers. What had started as a local skirmish, now began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war.
也許你曾經在報紙上看過關於我們學校的報導。我們學校是第一所對男生是否可以留長頭髮的議題做出攤牌的討論的學校。兩名優秀的學生Ron Harris和Len Chester被他們的法文老師送進校長室。這名法文老師對於不順從一般規矩的人總是難以接受,當她在大廳瞄到這兩個長髮男生時,脾氣突然爆發。最初這個事件只是一個簡單的事件。學校方面對於他們沒有整理儀容給予斥責,要求他們把頭髮剪短,否則就得暫時休學。但是男孩的父母覺得學校的處置超出了他們管教的限度。父母把這件事告訴了報紙。所以本來只是件小小的爭執,如今卻變成了全面性的向髮禁開戰。

1. implacable 難以安撫的,難平息的 adj.
2. paroxysm 發作,爆發 n.
3. reprehensible 應該指摘的 adj.
4. jurisdiction 司法,管轄權 n.
5. skirmish 小衝突,小爭執 n.
6. ado 紛擾,騷動 n.
much ado about 無事生非
7. showdown 攤牌 n.
8. nonconformist 不順從一般公認信念習慣的人 n.
9. reprimand 訓斥,斥責 ( Week 3 Day 1 ) v.
10. overstep 違犯,超出...的限度 v.

Today's Idiom
cause célèbre

Grammars 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers?
2.We were one of first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys.
have a showdown 就是對...攤牌的意思。

3.Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformist who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall.
這一句看起來比較長,但其實主要句子就是two honor students were sen to the principal by their French teacher。Ron Harris and Len Chester是two honor students的同位語。而an implacable foe of nonconformist 則是their French teacher的同位語,後面的who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall ,who 是關係代名詞,代表的還是那位法文老師。

4.At first it seemed like a simple case.
5.The school would reprimand the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended.
reprimand someone for something就是某事來斥責某人。order在這裡的意思就是命令要求,order someone to do something就是命令某人做某事。or在這裡有否則的意思,意思就是如果不剪頭髮,就暫時休學在家休息,不能去上學。

6.But the boys' parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction.
這邊說the school had overstepped its jurisdiction會用過去完成式的原因,在於原來句子的主要時態是過去式,在過去說更早的過去已經完成的事情,就用過去完成式。

7.They took their case to the newspapers.

8.What had started as a local skirmish, now began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war.
這句的過去完成式用法跟第6句一樣,what had started表示是在過去說更早的過去已經發生的事情,所以仍然用過去完成式。what 這個字可以一次代替主詞跟關係代名詞,他就等於 the thing which的意思。

