2009年12月22日 星期二

Week 7 Day 2

The Tempest Spills out of the Teapot
Once the newspapers got the story, the case of the longharis became a cause célèbre. Ron and Len were interviewed, seen on TV, and regarded by their fellow students as heros."These are not delinquents or hoods," one reporter wrote, "but clean-cut American boys who are being harassed by a monolithic school system." A caustic editorial referred to the school's decision as arbitrary and inane. A false story even circulated about the boys being rock-n-roll performers whose indigent families needed their salaries. Finally the Civil Liberties Union jumped into the fray with a court order stipulating that the principal be required to show cause why the boys should not be allowed to return to class.

1. harass 煩惱,騷擾 v.
2. monolithic 龐大的 adj.
3. arbitrary 獨斷的,專制的 adj.
4. indigent 貧乏的 adj.
5. fray 吵架 n.
6. tempest 暴風雨,騷動 n.
7. spill 溢出,濺出 v.
8. cause célèbre 轟動的訟案,有名的案例 n. (Week 7 Day 1)
9. delinquent 青少年犯罪 n.
10. hood 無賴,流氓 n.
11. clean-cut 整潔好看的,簡單的 adj.
12. caustic 刻薄的 adj. (Week 3 Day 1)
13. inane 愚蠢的 adj. (Week 5 Day 1)
14. circulate 傳播,流傳 v.
15. stipulate 規定,約定 v. (Week 3 Day 4)

Today's Idiom
one swallow does not make a summer

2009年12月21日 星期一

Week 7 Day 1

More Ado about Haircut
Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers? We were one of first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformist who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall. At first it seemed like a simple case. The school would reprimand the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended. But the boys' parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction. They took their case to the newspapers. What had started as a local skirmish, now began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war.
也許你曾經在報紙上看過關於我們學校的報導。我們學校是第一所對男生是否可以留長頭髮的議題做出攤牌的討論的學校。兩名優秀的學生Ron Harris和Len Chester被他們的法文老師送進校長室。這名法文老師對於不順從一般規矩的人總是難以接受,當她在大廳瞄到這兩個長髮男生時,脾氣突然爆發。最初這個事件只是一個簡單的事件。學校方面對於他們沒有整理儀容給予斥責,要求他們把頭髮剪短,否則就得暫時休學。但是男孩的父母覺得學校的處置超出了他們管教的限度。父母把這件事告訴了報紙。所以本來只是件小小的爭執,如今卻變成了全面性的向髮禁開戰。

1. implacable 難以安撫的,難平息的 adj.
2. paroxysm 發作,爆發 n.
3. reprehensible 應該指摘的 adj.
4. jurisdiction 司法,管轄權 n.
5. skirmish 小衝突,小爭執 n.
6. ado 紛擾,騷動 n.
much ado about 無事生非
7. showdown 攤牌 n.
8. nonconformist 不順從一般公認信念習慣的人 n.
9. reprimand 訓斥,斥責 ( Week 3 Day 1 ) v.
10. overstep 違犯,超出...的限度 v.

Today's Idiom
cause célèbre

Grammars 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers?
2.We were one of first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys.
have a showdown 就是對...攤牌的意思。

3.Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformist who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall.
這一句看起來比較長,但其實主要句子就是two honor students were sen to the principal by their French teacher。Ron Harris and Len Chester是two honor students的同位語。而an implacable foe of nonconformist 則是their French teacher的同位語,後面的who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall ,who 是關係代名詞,代表的還是那位法文老師。

4.At first it seemed like a simple case.
5.The school would reprimand the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended.
reprimand someone for something就是某事來斥責某人。order在這裡的意思就是命令要求,order someone to do something就是命令某人做某事。or在這裡有否則的意思,意思就是如果不剪頭髮,就暫時休學在家休息,不能去上學。

6.But the boys' parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction.
這邊說the school had overstepped its jurisdiction會用過去完成式的原因,在於原來句子的主要時態是過去式,在過去說更早的過去已經完成的事情,就用過去完成式。

7.They took their case to the newspapers.

8.What had started as a local skirmish, now began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war.
這句的過去完成式用法跟第6句一樣,what had started表示是在過去說更早的過去已經發生的事情,所以仍然用過去完成式。what 這個字可以一次代替主詞跟關係代名詞,他就等於 the thing which的意思。

2009年12月18日 星期五

Week 6 Day 5

Trouble at Truman High
It was a quiet morning at Harry S Truman High School. “Too quiet,” Principal Edna Suarez remarked to her secretary. “It’s just when things are this serene that I start to get an uneasy feeling.”
1. remark 說 v.
2. serene 寧靜的,安靜的 adj.

Mrs. Suarez’s sensitivity to life among 3000 teenagers quickly proved to be accurate. The first evidence of trouble came with a phone call from the teacher in charge of the cafeteria who needed help to quell a disturbance. When Mrs. Suarez arrived on the scene, much to her consternation, students were pounding on their tables, throwing food on the lunchroom floor, and making a complete fiasco of school regulations. It took the principal only a moment to discern who the two ringleaders were and to summon them to her office.
1. cafeteria 自助餐廳 n.
2. disturbance 混亂,擾亂 n.
3. ringleader 頭目,元兇 n.

Vincent, 16 and Elena, 15, admitted to having stirred up the protest. They gave as their reasons the poor quality of food served and the dirty environment. “It’s like a pigsty down there,” Elena declared, “and the food is fit only for animals!”
1.pigsty 豬舍 n.

What they had done, Mrs. Suarez told them, was inexcusable, and she ticked off a list of reasons that made their conduct dangerous and subject to school discipline. “What you were trying to do,” Mrs. Suarez explained, “might be considered laudable by some but you could have come to me, alone or with a committee, to register your complaints. I would have investigated and, if there was merit to your charges, would have taken the necessary action. Now I’ll have to ask you to bring your parents to see me on Monday and to stay home until then.”

Vincent and Elena seemed to be chastened by Mrs. Suarez’s lecture. However, on leaving her office, Elena told an assistant principal that in a similar incident on a television show she learned that direct, dramatic action usually gets quicker results that lengthy debate. He advised her to bring that question up in her social studies class when she returned form suspension.
1. chasten 懲罰,抑制 v.

2009年12月17日 星期四

Week 6 Day 4

Perfect Products
I guess we'll never be able to quell the persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires that will never wear out, stockings that cannot tear,and pens that won't run dry. A voluble economist informed me that such products will never be marketed. "Can you imagine," he asked, "a manufacturer cutting his own throat? Why would he sell you an item that you will never have to replace? No," My confidant whispered,"it's part of their scheme of planned obsolescence to sell you merchandise with a limited life span in order to keep you coming back for more." I am dubious about the existence of those prefect products, but then I am from Missouri.
我猜想我們永遠也無法平息這些不斷出現的謠言:會有人發明永遠不會磨平的輪胎,永遠不會破的襪子,永遠不會沒水的筆。一位健談的經濟學家告訴我這樣的產品永遠不會上市。他說:"你能想像一個廠商把自己的命脈弄死嗎?他怎麼可能賣給你產品是你永遠都不會在更換的?不可能,"我的密友輕聲的說,"產品會壞掉就是她們的計畫之一,如此一來,你就會持續的回來買這些有限壽命的產品了。" 我非常懷疑這些完美的產品是否能問世,除非你能證明給我看。

1. quell 平息, 消除 v.
2. voluble 健談的,口若懸河的 adj.
3. confidant 密友,知己 n.
4. obsolescence 廢棄,陳舊,過時 n.
5. dubious 可疑的,懷疑的 adj.
6. persistent 持續的 adj.
7. wear out 磨破 v.
8. stocking 襪子 n.

Today's Idiom
thumb's down

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.I guess we'll never be able to quell the persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires that will never wear out, stockings that cannot tear,and pens that won't run dry.
第一句話,the persisitent rumors about the invention of其實就是 the persistent rumors (that is) about the invention of ,只是把關係代名詞跟動詞省略的用法。後面有三項東西就是他所提到的發明,句法完全相同,而三項物品的that都是關係代名詞。

2.A voluble economist informed me that such products will never be marketed.
inform這個字是告知,通知的意思,如果後面接的是名詞,就用inform someone of something這個片語,但如果是個完整的句子,就用that引導出後面的子句。

3."Can you imagine," he asked, "a manufacturer cutting his own throat? Why would he sell you an item that you will never have to replace? No," My confidant whispered,"it's part of their scheme of planned obsolescence to sell you merchandise with a limited life span in order to keep you coming back for more."
cut one's throat就是割喉,商場上的降價競爭通常就會被形容成割喉戰 cut-throat competition,在這邊不是好幾家廠商競爭,而是指產品如果不會壞,就沒有人會持續更新替換,廠商等於只能賺一次的錢,之後就沒生意了,所以不賺錢就沒法生存,就如同把喉嚨割斷無法呼吸,很快就會死亡。

4.I am dubious about the existence of those prefect products, but then I am from Missouri.
所以最後一句作者說它很懷疑這些產品會真的問世,因為沒有人會做不賺錢的生意,最後一句I am from Missouri (Week 6 Day 1)有詳盡的解釋。

2009年12月16日 星期三

Week 6 Day 3

Hold that Nobel Prize
Speaking of inventions and discoveries, I just learned that an eminent scientist in Ohio has developed a pill that contains all the nutritive value of three complete meals. In addition to providing us with vitamins and minerals we need daily, this pill also gives a feeling of fullness. According to its sponsors, the pill will nourish and satisfy. I hate to disparage such a laudable achievement, but to me it seems like a most objectionable discovery. Rather than a scientific triumph, I'd be inclined to label it as an egregious blunder, a scientific disaster, a laboratory fiasco. Is there anyone in his right mind who thinks that a pill can replace the pleasures of devouring a hot corn bread, masticating on a thick steak, biting into crisp french fries, or attacking a chocolate sundae? I'm afraid that this is one pill I'll have to eschew from chewing.
說到發明和發現,我剛剛知道有一位俄亥俄州的傑出科學家發明了一種藥丸,可以將完整三餐所需的營養成分都包含在內。這個藥丸除了可以提供我們每日所需的維他命和礦物質外,還可以帶給我們飽足感。根據他的發明家所說,這個藥丸可以提供營養又可以滿足食慾。我不喜歡貶低如此直得讚揚的成就,但對我而言,這個藥丸是最讓我反感的發明。與其說它是科學上的重大勝利,我還比較傾向說它是極大的錯誤,科學上的災難,實驗室裡的大失敗。難道有人在他的心理面會真的想說用藥丸來取代大口吞食熱燙燙的玉米麵包,咀嚼厚片牛排,咬著酥脆的薯條,或是攻佔巧克力聖代的樂趣嗎? 我想,恐怕這個藥丸會是我唯一不想吃下肚的東西吧。

1. disparage 貶低,輕視 v.
2. laudable 直得讚揚的 adj.
3. fiasco 完全失敗 n.
4. masticate 咀嚼 v.
5. eschew 避免 v.
6. eminent 傑出的 adj.(Week 1 Day 1)
7. objectionable 令人不愉快的,討厭的 adj.
8. triumph 勝利 n.
9. be inclined to 想要,有...傾向
10. egregious 非常的,極壞的 adj. (Week 5 Day 3)
11. blunder 大錯 n.
12. devour 狼吞虎嚥的吃 v.

Today's Idiom
to let sleeping dogs lie

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.Speaking of inventions and discoveries, I just learned that an eminent scientist in Ohio has developed a pill that contains all the nutritive value of three complete meals.
speaking of ...就是說到...,在這個片語之後,會有一個完整的句子連接。 這裡的I just learned的learned並不是指學習到,而是指得知獲悉的意思。learned後面的that是接出子句的that,所以後面也有一個完整的主詞和動詞的句子。而pill that的that就是關係代名詞,用來代替前面的主詞pill,所以這裡的that也可以用which替代。

2.In addition to providing us with vitamins and minerals we need daily, this pill also gives a feeling of fullness.
in addition to 這個片語是除此之外...還...的意思,後面通常皆的是名詞,如果後面要用動詞的話,必須將動詞改成動名詞 Ving的形式,所以這邊會用providing而不是用provide。provide 的用法,當我們說提供某人某物的時候,可以說provide someone with something,用介係詞with。

3.According to its sponsors, the pill will nourish and satisfy.
這句話只有according to 這個片語值得說明,according to 就是根據...的意思,後面通常都接名詞。

4.I hate to disparage such a laudable achievement, but to me it seems like a most objectionable discovery.
hate這個字跟like,love用法一樣,後面都可以加 to V.或是 Ving。such若要使用於名詞的場合,會說such a/an + adj. +N. 把such放在整個名詞的前面。似乎像英文用的是seem like而不是as

5.Rather than a scientific triumph, I'd be inclined to label it as an egregious blunder, a scientific disaster, a laboratory fiasco.
rather than的意思就是"而不是",be inclined to +V. 意思就是傾向作...。label是貼標籤的意思,在這裡就是指"視為","當作"的意思。

6.Is there anyone in his right mind who thinks that a pill can replace the pleasures of devouring a hot corn bread, masticating on a thick steak, biting into crisp french fries, or attacking a chocolate sundae?
there is的用法就是有...,這裡是用疑問句的方式,replace of就是用...取代,因為在介係詞of後面,所以所有的動詞都需要改成Ving的形式。

7.I'm afraid that this is one pill I'll have to eschew from chewing.
I'm afraid的意思就是我害怕,但是這邊是我恐怕的意思。作者說美食很好吃,所以如果要用藥丸取代,那他唯一不吃的,就是這顆藥丸,所以意思是,即使這個發明可以得諾貝爾獎,作者也不會想要吃下肚。

2009年12月15日 星期二

Week 6 Day 2

Patent Pending
My buddy Verne, a precocious automotive wizard, and I were inspired to do some inventing on our own. We thought it might be feasible to park a car parallel to a space on the street. Then, by pressing a button,we could raise the four tires off the ground slightly, while dropping two special wheels perpendicular to the curb. It would then be child's play to roll into the narrowest of parking spaces. We took the idea to Ed Greene, who runs the Ford agency in order to elicit his reaction. After a perfunctory glance at our plan, to our chagrin Ed snorted that our idea was inane, but we decided that he was just jealous of our brilliance. Tomorrow we are going to start on a computer that will enable us to measure the intelligence of the perverse automobile dealers who like to deride the efforts of junior geniuses.
我的好朋友Verne是一個早熟的汽車天才,他和我常會靈機一動,靠我們自己發明一些東西。我們覺得直接平行的把車停到路上的停車位是可行的。接下來,只要按一個按鈕,就可以將車子的四個輪胎稍微抬離開地面,同時間將會降下兩個和路邊垂直的輪胎。接下來要將車子移進再窄小的停車位都是輕而易舉的事。我們將這個想法告訴一個Ford經銷商 Ed Greene,試圖引出他的反應。令我們難堪的是,他隨便的看了看我們的計畫,便輕蔑的說我們的想法很愚蠢。但是我們覺得他只是忌妒我們的聰明。明天我們就會想辦法創造一台電腦,這台電腦將可以幫助我們測試這些喜歡嘲弄年輕天才的成就的剛愎的汽車經紀人,看看她們的智商到底有多低。

1. precocious 早熟的 adj.
2. perfunctory 敷衍的,馬虎的 adj.
3. chagrin 懊惱,苦惱 n.
4. perverse 故意做對的,剛愎的 adj.
5. deride 嘲笑,嘲弄 v.
6. pending 懸而未決的 adj.
7. feasible 可行的 adj. (Week 6 Day 1)
8. parallel 平行的 adj.
9. perpendicular 垂直的 adj.
10. curb 路邊 n.
11. child's play 輕而易舉的事 n.
12. elicit 引出 v. (Week 5 Day 4)
13. inane 愚蠢的 adj. (Week 5 Day 1)

Today's Idiom
red-letter day

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.My buddy Verne, a precocious automotive wizard, and I were inspired to do some inventing on our own.
這一句的主詞是 my buddy Verne and I,中間用兩個逗號寫出 My buddy Verne的同位語 a precocious automotive wizard,就是用來解說Verne是個怎麼樣的人。 後面的動詞則是用被動語態,表示很多東西是靈機一閃做出來的。

2.We thought it might be feasible to park a car parallel to a space on the street.
第二句很簡單,其實是we thought that it might...,that在這邊是引導出子句的字,後面的it might be +adj. + to do ...,其實就是it is + adj. + to +V.的變化句子。

3.Then, by pressing a button,we could raise the four tires off the ground slightly, while dropping two special wheels perpendicular to the curb.
then在這邊就是連接上一句的語氣。後面的while dropping的主詞就是前面的we,因為兩句的主詞相同,本來是while we dropped two special ...,就可以把相同的主詞省略,主動的動詞改成Ving的形式。

4.It would then be child's play to roll into the narrowest of parking spaces.
這句則是把it is adj. to V的句型改成 it is N. to V的方式,意思是相同的。child's play是小孩的玩具,表示很簡單,很容易的意思。

5.We took the idea to Ed Greene, who runs the Ford agency in order to elicit his reaction.
這句的who runs the Ford agency就是用who這個關係代名詞來形容Ed Greene 這個人,所以原來的句子應該是we tool the idea to Ed Greene in order to elicit his reaction。

6.After a perfunctory glance at our plan, to our chagrin Ed snorted that our idea was inane, but we decided that he was just jealous of our brilliance.
after後面可以接一個完整的句子,也可以接名詞片語,這裡就是接名詞片語的用法。to our chagrin就是對我們而言很苦惱,後面的兩個that都是引出子句的字,不是關係代名詞。

7.Tomorrow we are going to start on a computer that will enable us to measure the intelligence of the perverse automobile dealers who like to deride the efforts of junior geniuses.
be going to V.的意思就是will的意思,是未來式的表現方法之一。a computer that will enable us to measure...有兩個重點,第一個是that這邊是關係代名詞,但是不能省略,因為它是代替主詞的關係代名詞,不是代替受詞的關係代名詞,也可以用which替換。第二個是enable someone 後面要加 to V.不定詞。最後的who 也是關係代名詞,用來代替前面的主詞automobile dealers。

2009年12月14日 星期一

Week 6 Day 1

The Newspaper Umbrella
Our neighbor is an affluent inventor whose latest brainstorm, a feasible umbrella substitute, has been featured in many magazines. As simply as the eye can discern, it is a hard plastic strip, about the size of a ruler, which fits comfortably into a woman's handbag or a man's suit jacket. When a person is caught in a sudden rainstorm, he swings the plastic strip open in a shape of a cross. Attached to each arm is a clip-like device. Next, he takes the newspaper he is carrying and slides it under each of the four clips. Now equipped with a rigid head covering he can sally forth to face the elements. To the consternation of the umbrella manufacturers, it has been enjoying a brisk sale, especially among commuters. If it continues to do well, it could have a pernicious effect upon the umbrella industry.

1. affluent 豐富的 adj.
2. feasible 可行的 adj.
3. discern 分辨,察覺 v.
4. sally 衝出 v.
5. consternation 驚愕,驚駭 n.
6. brainstorm 突來的靈感,腦力激盪 n.
7. feature 特載 n.
8. strip 條,帶 n.
9. swing 懸掛,揮轉 v.
10. clip 夾子 n.
11. rigid 堅硬的 adj.
12. the elements 惡劣的天氣n.
13. pernicious 有害的 adj. (Week 5 Day 4)

Today's Idiom
I'm from Missouri
這句俗諺,比較完整的句子應該是I'm from Missouri and you'll have to show me.。Missouri是美國的密蘇里州,1899年眾議員Willard Duncan Vandivr在費城發表演說時說了這句話( I am from Missouri. You have got to show me. ),表示密蘇里人對於事情採取懷疑的態度,不太願意相信別人,除非拿出證明來。所以密蘇里州在美國也稱作"show me" state。因此這句話便成為懷疑別人,不太容易信服的人。

Grammar 名詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色 關係代名詞紫色
1.Our neighbor is an affluent inventor whose latest brainstorm, a feasible umbrella substitute, has been featured in many magazines.
第一句話的whose就是關係代名詞,代表"他的"的意思,而a feasible umbrella substitute就是brainstorm的同位語,所以用兩個逗號分開。後面用現在完成式表示在雜誌上刊載已經是完成的動作,已經發生了。

2.As simply as the eye can discern, it is a hard plastic strip, about the size of a ruler, which fits comfortably into a woman's handbag or a man's suit jacket.
as + Adj.+ as +N.+ V.就是如N.所能V.一般的 Adj.,about the size of a ruler是用來形容這個strip的大小,後面的which也是代表strip的關係代名詞。

3.When a person is caught in a sudden rainstorm, he swings the plastic strip open in a shape of a cross.
is caught in a sudden rainstorm就是突然遇到下雨,swing open就是把東西展開,in a shape of 就是用什麼樣的形狀的意思。

4.Attached to each arm is a clip-like device.
attached to each arm這裡的用法是被動語態,主詞其實就是後面的受詞 a clip-like device。所以原來的句子也可以寫成 A clip-like device is attached to each arm.,把分詞掉到句首,可讓句型變化些。

5.Next, he takes the newspaper he is carrying and slides it under each of the four clips.
he takes the newspaper he is carrying其實就是省略掉一個關係代名詞that,若把that補上,變成為 he takes the newspaper that he is carrying,當關係代名詞that代替的東西是關係代名詞後面句子的受詞時,that可以省略。

6.Now equipped with a rigid head covering he can sally forth to face the elements.
equipped with a rigid head covering前面似乎少了主詞,其實是因為這個主詞跟後面的主詞一樣,所以可以省略。這裡的主詞就是he。equipped with 是he is equipped with的省略,被動語態寫成分詞時,就把BE動詞跟主詞一起省略。

7.To the consternation of the umbrella manufacturers, it has been enjoying a brisk sale, especially among commuters.
to N.就是對某某而言很N.的意思。brisk是活潑的意思,在這邊便成了銷售很熱烈的意思。

8.If it continues to do well, it could have a pernicious effect upon the umbrella industry.
have an effect on/upon這個片語就是對...有影響。

2009年12月11日 星期五

Week 5 Day 5

Driving While Drunk
Throughout literature we find recurring tales of forthright people who are outspoken in condemning illegal practices only to be brought low themselves when they, or members of their families, commit such acts. Since literature reflects life, we can expect to find similar instances in which a person's ethics are compromised, and he falls prey to the pernicious evil that he had publicly denounced.
1. recur 再發生,復發 v.
2. forthright 直率的,明白無誤的 adj.
3. outspoken 坦率的,直言的 adj.
4. condemn 譴責 v
5. compromise 妥協,連累 v.
6. denounce 譴責,指責 v.

Take the story of Barry Vernon (not his real name), an aggressive Ohio district attorney. Vernon could be counted upon to make acrimonious remarks about anyone who was driving while intoxicated. On numerous speaking engagements, he railed against drunkenness and swore that any such culprit who was found behind the wheel of a car would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
1. aggressive 有進取精神的,有幹勁的 adj.
2. count upon 倚靠,指望 v.
3. remark 評論,談論 n.
4. intoxicated 喝醉的 adj.
5. engagement 承諾,保證 n.
6. rail against 批評 v.
7. prosecute 起訴,告發 v.

As fate would have it, Vernon's own son smashed into several cars, injuring four people seriously, and then failed a sobriety test.
1. smash 猛撞,猛衝 v.
2. sobriety 清醒 n.

Following that flagrant violation of the law, Vernon resigned from office, saying that as a private citizen he would continue his crusade against those who drive under the influence of alcohol. Meanwhile, he wished to spend more time with his son to try to understand the young man's behavior.
1. crusade (某種目的發起的)運動 n.

2009年12月10日 星期四

Week 5 Day 4

Our Pyrrhic Victory
Mr. Dorsey summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to his office in order to elicit their reaction to the suspension of the football captain. He told them that cheating was a pernicious disease that could not be tolerated in our school. He loathed having to discipline Art Krause so severely, but unless strict measures were taken, the student body would construe the incident as an open invitation to cheat with impunity. "We may lose a football game," the principal said, " but we can salvage our self-respect."
Dorsey先生招集一群老師及學生領袖代表到他的辦公室,試圖引出他們對於足球隊長被停權的反應。他告訴他們說作弊是一種有害的疾病,絕對沒法容許作弊在我們的學校發生。他很討厭必須要那麼嚴厲的處罰 Art Krause,但如果不這麼嚴格的處置,學生會把這件事當成作弊到最後都可以免罪。校長說"我們也許會輸了足球比賽,但是我們卻拯救了我們的自尊。"

1. elicit 引出,誘出 v.
2. pernicious 有害的,致命的 adj.
3. tolerate 容忍 v.
4. construe 推斷,推論,理解為 v.
5. impunity 免除懲罰 n.
6. pyrrhic victory 勝利但是卻付出慘痛的代價 n. (Week 2 Day 2)
7. summon 招集 v.
8. loathe 討厭 v. (Week 3 Day 1)
9. discipline 懲戒 v.
10. salvage 拯救 v.

Today's Idiom
to lionize a person
lionize這個字是從lion來的,就是獅子化,也就是把人當成獅子一般,這個俗語可能來自於倫敦塔上的獅子圖像,這個獅子圖像被當成主要的景點,因此lionize someone就變成把某人捧成名人的意思。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.Mr. Dorsey summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to his office in order to elicit their reaction to the suspension of the football captain.
in order to 就是為了...的意思。elicit the reaction to something就是引出對某事的反應。

2.He told them that cheating was a pernicious disease that could not be tolerated in our school.
這句有兩個that但是是不同的用法。前面的he told them that的that是引出子句的that,tell後面若直接加動詞,用法為 tell someone to do something,用的是to V.不定詞。如果是tell後面加了一個完整有主詞動詞的句子,就要用that+子句來寫。 後面的 disease that could not be tolerated的 that是關係代名詞,用來代表 disease。

3.He loathed having to discipline Art Krause so severely, but unless strict measures were taken, the student body would construe the incident as an open invitation to cheat with impunity.
loathe這個字是討厭,用法是loathe Ving,用動名詞的形式。take measure表示採取行動,動詞是用take,這裡用的是被動語氣,所以寫成measures were taken。 construe A as B,表示把A理解成B。open invitation表示公開的邀請,意思就是不拒絕。 cheat with impunity表示作弊不受懲罰。

4."We may lose a football game," the principal said, " but we can salvage our self-respect."

2009年12月9日 星期三

Week 5 Day 3

Star Player is Caught
The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam. If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid affair, our chance for winning the city championship would go up in smoke. The distraught coach asked the principal to overlook Art's duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given a plethora of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance.
讓作弊醜聞事件到達很緊急關頭的事情,就是我們足球隊隊長,Art Krause犯了很大的過錯,在期中考考試作弊時被抓。假如Art因為這個作弊事件而暫停他的球員資格,那我們想要在城市比賽獲得冠軍的機會便化為烏有了。苦惱的教練要求校長原諒Ark的犯行,但是Dorsey先生用很刻薄的方式回答說,球員被教導許多運動方面的教育,卻很少被教導道德教育。

1. egregious 非常的,極惡的
2. distraught 煩惱的,心煩意亂的
3. duplicity 欺騙
4. acrimonious 刻薄的,嚴厲的
5. paucity 少量
6. scandal 醜聞
7. come to a head 達到緊要關頭
8. sordid 骯髒的,卑鄙的 (Week 4 Day3)
9. go up in smoke 化為烏有 (Week 3 Day 4)
10. plethora 過多 (Week 2 Day 2)

Today's Idiom
to pass the buck

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞片語(咖啡色) 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam.
第一句又是when的句型,主要子句 the cheating scandal came to a head表示作弊事件的高潮出現了,our football captain用兩個逗號標記,表示是Art Krause的同位語,他made a mistake of Ving。get caught cheating就是作弊被抓。midterm exam表示期中考,final exam則是期末考。

2.If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid affair, our chance for winning the city championship would go up in smoke.
第二句是if的句型,這裡用were suspended表示和現在事實相反,還不確定是否會被停權,但萬一停權,就會有...的狀況,所以用were。

3.The distraught coach asked the principal to overlook Art's duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given a plethora of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance.
ask someone to do something就是要求某人做某事。Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion這句話可以寫成 Dorsey replied acrimoniously也可以寫成 Dorsey replied in an acremonious way意思都是用刻薄的方式回答。最後面a plethora of和 a paucity of正好是兩個相反意思的詞,前者表示過多的,後面表示過少的。

2009年12月8日 星期二

Week 5 Day 2

Cracking down
Mr. Dorsey, our new principal, determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school. He issued bulletins and began to admonish those teachers who didn't proctor alertly. Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits. Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible evidence of the cheating. Mr. Dorsey's inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off.

1. flagrant 明目張膽的,公然的 adj.
2. admonish 告誡,警告,責備 v.
3. duress 強迫,束縛 n.
4. culprit 罪犯 n.
5. inexorable 無法改變的,不寬容的 adj.
6. bulletin 公告 n.
7. alertly 機警的 adv.
8. faculty 全體教職員 n.
9. crib sheet 小抄 n.
10. tangible 具體的 adj. (Week 4 Day 3)

Today's Idiom
to take down a peg
這個片語的意思是殺某人威風。peg就是釘,栓。古代在航海的時候,會利用peg來調整船旗的高度。當旗幟越高,表示榮耀越高,相對的,旗幟越低,榮耀越低。所以take down a peg就變成殺某人威風的意思。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.Mr. Dorsey, our new principal, determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school.
our new principal放在兩個逗號之中,表示是Mr. Dorsey的同位語,也就是說Mr. Dorsey就是校長。決心要做什麼事情,可以用determine to,其實就是decide to的意思。

2.He issued bulletins and began to admonish those teachers who didn't proctor alertly.
這句中,those teachers who didn't proctor alertly的who就是關係代名詞,代表前面的those teachers。

3.Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits.
duress是強迫的意思,相同的用法還有under pressure壓力之下,report除了報告以外,還有揭發檢舉的意思。

4.Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible evidence of the cheating.
crib就是抄的意思,所以crib sheet就是小抄。turn in 就是交出去的意思。

5.Mr. Dorsey's inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off.
對抗什麼的運動,介係詞會用against,但若是支持什麼的運動,介係詞就會用for了。pay off是只有了代價,表示事情是成功的。

2009年12月7日 星期一

Week 5 Day 1

During my first weeks at my new school I observed that cheating was rampant. I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics, and because so much was at stake. Apparently, the other students didn't concur. In fact, even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate them. Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.

1. rampant 蔓延的,繁茂的 adj.
2. inane 愚蠢的 adj.
3. ethics 道德 n.
4. concur 同意 v.
5. clandestine 秘密的,暗中的 adj.
6. at stake 有風險的 adv.
7. proctor 監考人 n.
8. intimidate 威嚇,脅迫 v. (Week 4 Day 1)

Today's Idiom
stock in trade
stock in trade 就是存貨的意思,在做生意時,商人必須保留某部份的產品在手中,以便可以因應隨時賣出去的商品。所以便引申為某種專業上必須有的東西。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色
1.During my first weeks at my new school I observed that cheating was rampant.

2.I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics, and because so much was at stake.
consider something adj =覺得something 如何,because of和because都是因為的意思,但是because of+ N. ,because+子句。stake就是賭博用的賭注,所以at stake就是有風險的意思。

3.Apparently, the other students didn't concur.
apparently在這裡也可以用 it was apparent that the other students didn't concur. 來取代。也就是說用副詞當開頭時,也可以寫成形容詞的模式,只是要用虛主詞it開頭,後面再加上that來引導子句。

4.In fact, even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate them.
in fact= as a matter of fact,就是事實上的意思。這裡的even是即使的意思,用來加強語氣。

5.Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.
far from...就是距離...很遠,如果說far from my home,表示離我家很遠,在這邊的意思,指的是完全不的意思。也就是說 作弊這件事應該是要小心謹慎的怕被發現,但是這個學校不是這樣,大家都很公開,所以cheating在這所學校並不是秘密的行動,離秘密的行動很遠,表示完全不是秘密的行動。

2009年12月4日 星期五

Week 4 Day 5

Want to Run for Office?
In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of incumbent politicians retireing in record numbers. When interviewed, many of them admitted that they had lost their taste for the job because of the abuse to which an aspirant for office is subjected.
1. phenomenon 現象
2. incumbent現任的,在職的
3. abuse 濫用,辱罵,毀謗

"My last campaign was a sordid affair in which my opponents did everything to belittle my record and air scurrilous charges about my private life," said one congressman. "I don't have to stand still for such treatment," he added, "which was terribly embarrassing to me and my entire family."

Citizen groups, appalled by the candidates' mudslinging, have sought to do something about the situation. Committees have been formed in a number of states to study ways to elevate the tone of the process, reduce the emotionalism, and eliminate the frenzy of name calling that is generated as election day draws near.
1. appal 使驚駭
2. mudslinging 揭發隱私

"Unless we clean up this mess," said the chairman of an Illinois caucus, "we will lose the best and the brightest from the political arena. After all, who but a masochist wants to be a punching bag, the subject of daily vilification in the media, and a target for every malcontent in town?"
1. masochist 被虐待狂
2. vilification 誹謗
3. malcontent 不滿者,反抗者

2009年12月3日 星期四

Week 4 Day 4

The Decline of Mullins
Mullins sought solace in whiskey. Once a highly-respected aspirant for the lightweight crown, he now found himself associating with the dregs of Skid Row. He would work himself into the alcoholic frenzy in which he would trumpet scurrilous attacks on the champ, the manager, and the judge. One avid fight fan attributed Mullins' absence from ring to sickness, saying that he was "recovering from a bad case of -- SCOTCH."

1. solace 慰藉,安慰 n.
2. aspirant 名譽地位的追求者 n.
3. dregs 殘渣 n.
4. frenzy 瘋狂,激動 n.
5. scurrilous 粗俗的,下流的 adj.
6. Skid Row 貧民窟 n.

Today's Idiom
to rule the roost

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.Mullins sought solace in whiskey.
solace就是安慰的意思,seek solace in something或是 take solace in something就是藉...尋找安慰,所以seek solace in drink就是借酒澆愁的意思。whiskey就是威士忌,是一種酒精濃度頗高的酒類,所以Mullins是真的很傷心的以酒麻醉自己。

2.Once a highly-respected aspirant for the lightweight crown, he now found himself associating with the dregs of Skid Row.
once是曾經,一度是的意思,拳擊比賽會依照參賽者的體重將選手分為幾個級距,羽量級feather weight,輕量級 light weight,重量級 heavy weight。associate就是聯想的意思,要表達和什麼聯想在一起,就用associate with something,介係詞是with。dregs是指飲料底部的殘渣,這個字一定有s,dregs of Skid Row就表示貧民窟的殘渣,是殘渣中的殘渣。

3.He would work himself into the alcoholic frenzy in which he would trumpet scurrilous attacks on the champ, the manager, and the judge.
work into這裡就是指Mullins是自己甘願讓自己陷入酒精之中,因為他現實生活不如意,所以只能在喝醉酒時,用粗俗的語言來攻擊傷害過他的人,但實際上,真正傷害他的不是別人,是自己。
frenzy後面的in which就是 in the alcoholic frenzy的意思,which只能代替前面的名詞,介係詞是不能一併代替的,所以該有的介係詞還是得保留。trumpet是小喇叭,動詞就是吹小喇叭,在這裡就是大聲說出,(像吹小喇叭那樣的音量)。

4.One avid fight fan attributed Mullins' absence from ring to sickness, saying that he was "recovering from a bad case of -- SCOTCH."
attribute A to B的意思就是把A的原因歸咎於B。scotch這個字就是酒類的名稱,借酒澆愁愁更愁,逃避也沒法解決問題,因此這個拳擊迷才會說是個bad case。

2009年12月2日 星期三

Week 4 Day 3

Mullins Forced to Eat Humble Pie
The irate 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O. Mullins, suing him for assault. As tangible evidence of the attack, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow that had required ten stitches. When the case was brought before court, the judge castigated Mullins for the sordid incident. In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to make a public apology to the octogenarian.

1. tangible 明確的,有形的 adj.
2. laceration 撕裂,裂痕 n.
3. castigate 申斥,懲罰 v.
4. sordid 骯髒的,卑鄙的 adj.
5. octogenarian 八十多歲的人 n.
6. eat humble pie 承認錯誤並道歉 v.
7. irate 生氣的 adj.
8. stitch 一針 n.

Today's Idiom
Hobson's choice

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞片語(咖啡色) 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.The irate 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O. Mullins, suing him for assault.
當我們再說我幾歲時,會說 I am 80 years old,此時year會加s,可是如果名詞變成形容詞來使用時,year後面的s就會省略,同時把整個名詞用"-"符號連接起來,直接放在要形容的名詞前面。所以就變成 80-year-old manager這樣的寫法。這是名詞片語改成形容詞時常會用到的地方。
後面的suing him for assault其實就是 and he sued him for assault,因為主詞跟前面的句子的主詞一樣,便可以把連接辭和主詞省略,在這裡又是主動語態,所以動詞改成Ving的形式。

2.As tangible evidence of the attack, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow that had required ten stitches.
as這裡的意思就是如同,是,按照句子的說法 as tangible evidence of the attack,是什麼東西是明確的證據呢,就是後面的句子所描述的。eyebrow that had required ten stitches就是用關係代名詞 that來形容眉毛的狀態。

3.When the case was brought before court, the judge castigated Mullins for the sordid incident.
又是一個when開頭的句子,大家都相當熟悉了,the case was brought before court其實就是開庭的意思。

4.In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to make a public apology to the octogenarian.
in addition就是besides,moreover,furthermore的意思,表示除了...以外,還有...,是表示兩個都算在內,當後面要加名詞時,in addition後面會加上to 這個介係詞。make apology to someone就是向某人道歉的意思。

2009年12月1日 星期二

Week 5 Day 2

Mullins Throws Down the Gauntlet
The pugnacious K.O. Mullins demanded a rematch. He took a full-page newspaper advertisement to promulgate his challenge.When the champ's manager saw the brash announcement, he accosted Mullins, who was surrounded by a throng of newsmen. The manager openly scoffed at Mullins and belittled his fighting ability. Mullins then lost his temper and fearlessly punched the manager, knocking him from his wheelchair.
Mullins 丟下挑戰書
好鬥的K.O. Mullins要求再比賽一次。他在報紙上登了全版廣告宣佈他的挑戰。當冠軍的經理人看到如此無理的宣告,他便接近Mullins,此時Mullins已經被一群新聞記者包圍。經理人公開的嘲笑Mullins並且瞧不起他的打鬥能力。Mullins聽了立刻失去發火,他毫無畏懼的從他的輪椅上打了經理人一拳。

1. pugnacious 好鬥的,好戰的 adj.
2. promulgate 公佈,發表 v.
3. brash 無禮的 adj.
4. scoff 嘲笑 v.
5. belittle 輕視,貶 v.
6. throw down the gauntlet 下戰帖 v.
7. accost 接近與之攀談 v.
8. throng 大群 n.

Today's Idiom
feeling no pain
喝醉酒的時候,神經感覺系統都會變的比較遲鈍,所以對於一些痛感都沒有感覺,因此feel no pain就變成喝醉的意思。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.The pugnacious K.O. Mullins demanded a rematch.
pugnacious就是前幾天學過的belligerent的同義詞。demand的意思是要求,若是片語 on demand就變成立即立刻的意思。在動詞前面加上re-的字首,就會變成再一次的意思,所以rematch= match again。

2.He took a full-page newspaper advertisement to promulgate his challenge.
在主要的句子後面用不定詞to V.表示 in order to 的意思。

3.When the champ's manager saw the brash announcement, he accosted Mullins, who was surrounded by a throng of newsmen.
這一句一樣是用when開頭,後面的句子在Mullins後面加了一個關係代名詞who ,用來形容Mullins的情況,值得注意的是,who前面多了一個,,表示Mullins是特定的人,專有的人,所以才加上,。

4.The manager openly scoffed at Mullins and belittled his fighting ability.
scoff at someone就是嘲笑某人,義同於 laugh at someone,sneer at someone。

5.Mullins then lost his temper and fearlessly punched the manager, knocking him from his wheelchair.
lost one's temper表示發怒的意思,因為發怒所以打了冠軍的經理人,後面的knocking him from his wheelchair就是Mullins knocked him from his wheelchair因為主詞跟前面的主詞一樣,便把主詞省略,然後因為是主動語態,所以將動詞改成Ving的形式。

2009年11月30日 星期一

Week 4 Day 1

Mullins a K.O. Victim
When the bell sounded, K.O. Mullins responded with alacrity.He sprang from his stool and charged across the ring, showing disdain for the champion's strengh. Although this belligerent attitude impressed the referee, it failed to intimidate the champ.That intrepid battler laid the hapless Mullins low with an adroit feint and an uppercut.
當比賽的鐘聲響起,K.O. Mullins立即輕快的反應。他從板凳上跳了起來,在拳擊場上衝來衝去,對冠軍實力表現出輕蔑的態度。雖然這種好戰的態度讓裁判印象深刻,但卻恫赫不了冠軍對手。勇敢的勇士利用熟戀的假攻擊和一記上勾拳,讓可憐的Mullins倒地。

1. alacrity 輕快,活潑 n.
2. disdain 輕蔑,鄙視 n.
3. belligerent 好戰的 adj.
4. intimidate 威嚇,脅迫 v.
5. feint 假攻,虛擊 n.
6. charge 向...衝去,進攻 v.
7. intrepid 勇敢的 adj.(Week 2 Day 1)
8. hapless 不幸的 adj.(Week 2 Day 2)
9. adroit 靈巧的,敏捷的,熟練的 adj. (Week 2 Day 3)

Today's Idiom
to throw down the gauntlet

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.When the bell sounded, K.O. Mullins responded with alacrity.
第一句是用when的句型,這裡純粹表達鐘聲響起,Mullins便很輕快的回應,表示他隨時都準備好要比賽了。標頭的k.o. victim跟 K.O. Mullins兩者的k.o.其實是不一樣的,標頭的k.o.是knocked out的簡寫,意思是被擊倒,輸了,這個縮寫常常可以在打鬥的電玩中看到。而K.O. Mullins的K. O.則是這個人名字的縮寫,但實在是太不吉祥了。

2.He sprang from his stool and charged across the ring, showing disdain for the champion's strengh.
sprang是spring的過去式,就是跳躍的意思。charge這個字在這邊是衝跑的意思。拳擊場的場地,因為四周有繩子圍起來一圈,所以就是ring這個字表示。句子前半用and把兩個動詞sprang和charged連接起來,所以and前後的動詞時態要一致,都是過去式。後面showing disdain for...其實就是and showed disdain for,但是因為省略了連接詞and,必須將showed改成showing的形式,這裡會用ing是因為show的動作是he主動的,所以用Ving。當要表達對誰有輕蔑不屑的用法,用show disdain for這個片語,介係詞是for。

3.Although this belligerent attitude impressed the referee, it failed to intimidate the champ.
although 和but 在英文中不能同時出現在同一句中,所以這句也可以改寫成 This belligerent attitude impressed the referee, but it hailed to intimidate the champ.
impress 是印象深刻,用法是someone/something impress someone,也可以寫成 主詞+be動詞+impressed with/by something。
fail to表示失敗或不能,後面一定是加原型動詞。

4.That intrepid battler laid the hapless Mullins low with an adroit feint and an uppercut.
雖然Mullins表示的他好像很強,很輕快,對冠軍不屑,但是冠軍還是冠軍,有實力還是有實力,還是將Mullins打倒在地,用什麼方式打倒呢,就用介係詞with引出假攻和上勾拳,K.O. Mullins就被k.o.了。

2009年11月27日 星期五

Week 3 Day 5

Desert Storm Decision
In the 1991 Persian Gulf War, where the United Nations forces, led by Americans, ousted the invading Iraqi army from Kuwait's soil, the cessation of combat took place in short order after the Allies were able to wrest control of the skies from the infamous Saddam Hussein's air force.
1.oust 驅逐 v.
2.invade 入侵,侵略 v.
3.soil 土壤,領土 n.

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the U.S. field commander, tended to bristle when asked by the media why he hadn't pursued the enmy all the way to Baghdad, saying:
1. commander 指揮官n.

"It would have been foolhardy for us to try to occupy that capital city and pile up American casualties from sniper attacks by Iraq's guerillas. That may be hard for you Monday morning quarterbacks to understand but I thoroughly agreed with the predisent who was convinced that such an action would have sent a bad message to the Arab world and would have splintered the Allied partnership."
1.foolhardy有勇無謀的 adj.
2.casualty傷亡人員 n.
3.sniper狙擊兵 n.
4.Monday morning quarterback 放馬後砲的人 n.
5.splinter 分裂 v.

Schwarzkopf reiterated that it was his mission to hurl back the invaders with a minimum of bloodshed but not, he added in a caustic tone, "to splatter Saddam over the desert sands. That dictator's days are numbered," the general concluded. "but I expect his end is likely to come at eht hands of his own people." As it happens, the general was wrong about that.
1.reiterate 重申 v.
2.bloodshed 流血 n.
3.splatter 飛濺 v.
4.dictator 獨裁者 n.

2009年11月26日 星期四

Week 3 Day 4

Call me by my Right Name
My cousin refers to himself as a "sanitary engineer", a euphemism for garbage collector. There are any number of people who try to find more respectable and glamorous titles for the mundane jobs they hold. It may seem incongruous to call an undertaker "condolence counselor", or to refer to a taxi driver as a "transportation expediter", but some prefer those titles. As a matter of fact, our butcher has stipulated that from now on he wants to be known as a "meat coordinator". He became irate when I inadvertently called him "Butch".


1. euphemism 婉轉的說法 n.
2. mundane 世俗的,世界的 adj.
3. incongruous 不合適的 adj.
4. condolence 弔唁,慰問 n.
5. stipulate 規定,約定 v.
6. sanitary 衛生的 adj.
7. glamorous 負有魅力的,迷人的 adj.
8. undertaker 殯葬業者 n.
9. expediter 促進者 n.
10. butcher 肉販 n.
11. coordinator 協調者 n.
12. irate (Week 2 Day2) 生氣的,憤怒的 adj.
13. inadvertent (Week 3 Day 2) 不注意的 adj.

Today's Idiom
to go up in smoke

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.My cousin refers to himself as a "sanitary engineer", a euphemism for garbage collector.
第一句句型很簡單,逗號的後面說的a euphemism...就是sanitary engineer的同位語,用來解釋sanitary engineer是什麼意思。 refer to這個片語就是指稱的意思,一定是用to 這個介係詞。

2.There are any number of people who try to find more respectable and glamorous titles for the mundane jobs they hold.
第二句也是有there be的句型,who就是關係代名詞,用來指any number of people,如果這邊要省略who的話,句子就要改成there are any number of people trying to ...,用Ving的方式。find A for B的意思就是找A來代替B。後面的mundane jobs they hold,就是 mundane jobs that they hold的意思,省略的that的關係代名詞就變成句子所寫的樣子了。

3.It may seem incongruous to call an undertaker "condolence counselor", or to refer to a taxi driver as a "transportation expediter", but some prefer those titles.
seem的用法也很實用,這裡是用it +seem +adj. +to V.這樣的句型。call A B就是用B的名字來稱呼A。refer to A as B,就是用B的名稱來稱呼A。其實都是一樣的意思,但是用了不同的動詞來表達,使文章豐富。but後面的some就是指some people,直接用some來取代名詞,而prefer這個字則是偏好,比較喜歡,所以本身就有比較的意思,若要表達比較喜歡A勝於B,就用prefer A to B,這個句型。 如果說比較喜歡做什麼事,就用prefer to Ving的形式。

4.As a matter of fact, our butcher has stipulated that from now on he wants to be known as a "meat coordinator".
as a matter of fact就是in fact的意思。後面的句子很單純沒有特殊的用法。

5.He became irate when I inadvertently called him "Butch".

2009年11月25日 星期三

Week 3 Day 3

Courtroom Drama
There was an ominous silence when the jittery defendant rose in court. He explained in a tremulous voice what had led him to repudiate his confession made at the police station on the night of the crime. The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise. Although the district attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told he could see a lawyer before confessing.

1. ominous 不詳的,預視的 adj.
2. tremulous 顫抖的,害怕的 adj.
3. repudiate 否認,駁斥 v.
4. cessation 停止 n.
5. bristle 因害怕或生氣而僵硬 v.
6. jittery 緊張不安的 adj.
7. defendant 被告 n.
8.buzz 嗡嗡聲響 v.
9. attorney 律師,檢察官 n.
10.confess 坦白,承認 v.

Today's Idiom
Skid Row
,Skid Row就變成城鎮裡,伐木工人居住的區域,裡頭充滿許多的酒吧及妓院。1930年代以後,Skid Row就演變成今日的用法,成為形容有許多流浪漢,酒鬼常常出沒的貧民區。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1.There was an ominous silence when the jittery defendant rose in court.
第一句用there was開頭,表示有什麼事發生了。when的子句點明了何事發生。

2.He explained in a tremulous voice what had led him to repudiate his confession made at the police station on the night of the crime.
第二句的 in a tremulous voice就是副詞片語,用來形容被告解釋時後說話是很顫抖的。what也是關係代名詞,其實就是the things which的意思,而confession後面的made at the police station on the night of the crime,其實是將 confession (that is) made at the ...中的關係代名詞和be動詞that is省略而成,這裡用made的意思就是被動語態,表示自白是被被告說出的。而後面的on the police station就是表明地點,on the night of the crime就是表明時間。

3.The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise.
第三句中,旁聽的民眾之所以會開始buzz就是因為被告翻供了,所以大家開始議論紛紛,可是在法庭上又不會講的很大聲,都私下在小聲講話,所以聲音就變成嗡嗡作響的感覺,所以用buzz這個字。後面的until的用法,曾經介紹過,表示until前面的動作會一直持續到until後面的動作為止,所以這邊就是說 民眾議論紛紛的這個動作(until前面的動作)一直持續到法官制止(until後面的動作)為止,所以時間順序就是民眾講話-->法官制止-->民眾停止講話。

4.Although the district attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told he could see a lawyer before confessing.
英文的句子中,有although 就沒有but,有but就沒有although,所以即使中文翻譯兩者都出現,英文當中是看不到的。
bristle 這個字在當名詞時是鬃毛,動詞時就是毛髮直立的狀態,最常可以看到的就是貓在生氣時,往往會拱著身體,然後毛髮直立,所以當檢察官聽到被告翻供時,當然就很生氣,好像全身僵硬,毛髮直立的感覺。
keep當持續的時候,後面的動詞會用 Ving的形式。insist 為堅持,當堅持的事是名詞時,會用insist on+ N. (或 + Ving),on 這個介係詞,這邊因為堅持的事情是用句子來表達,不是簡單的名詞,所以用that引出後面的子句。

2009年11月24日 星期二

Week 3 Day 2

The Handcuff is Quicker than the Eye
Slippery Eddie, the infamous pickpocket, was back at work, and every detective had to be especially vigilant. Eddie's technique was to jostle a victim towards a confederate who would then slip the man's wallet out of his back packet while Eddie was stammering an apology to the confused dupe. Within a week the incipient crimewave came to an end when Eddie inadvertently chose the chief of police for his victim. Although Eddie loathes Sing Sing, it is his permanent address now.


1.infamous 惡名昭彰的 adj.
2.jostle 推,擠 v.
3.dupe 容易受騙的人 n.
4.incipient 起初的,剛開始的 adj.
5.inadvertent 不注意的 adj.
6.detective 偵探,警探 n.
7.vigilant 警惕的,謹慎的 adj.
8.confederate 共犯 n.
9.stammer 結巴 v.
10.come to an end 結束 v.
11.Sing Sing 監獄 n.
Sing Sing 是美國紐約的一所監獄,全名為:Sing Sing Correctional Facility
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sing_Sing 有他的介紹
12.permanent 永久的 adj.

Today's idiom
carry the day

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
標頭的 the handcuff is quicker than the eye其實是改寫自the hand is quicker than the eye這句話,原來的意思是魔術師在變魔術時,因為手法快速,常常這一秒看到的東西,下一秒就變不見了,所以the hand is quicker than the eye就變成形容魔術師的手法高明,速度快到眼睛都看不清。這裡將hand用handcuff取代,根據文章的內容,表示被害人雖然搞不清楚錢怎麼被偷了,但是最後犯罪者還是被抓,套上手銬,送入大牢。

1.Slippery Eddie, the infamous pickpocket, was back at work, and every detective had to be especially vigilant.
第一句話在Eddie前面多加的一個形容詞,其實就是他的別稱,美國人很喜歡替人物取一些暱稱,用來形容這個人的特色,在這邊用slippery不僅有狡猾的意思,還表示他的扒錢手法高明,可以將皮夾偷的讓受害者都不知情。在Eddie用了兩個commas,所夾住的名稱就是同位語,用來解釋Eddie是怎麼樣的一個人,所以我們就知道它是一個扒手。and後面的句子則是說明警察都要小心注意了,因為Eddie會開始犯罪。had to 就是have to 的過去是,代表必須,一定,後面一定是原型動詞。

2.Eddie's technique was to jostle a victim towards a confederate who would then slip the man's wallet out of his back packet while Eddie was stammering an apology to the confused dupe.
這裡用主詞+be動詞+to V.不定詞的方式來表達偷竊手法的方式。confederate後面加了一個關係代名詞who用來形容共犯的作為。當共犯在偷皮夾時,Eddie則假裝對被害者說對不起,讓被害者失去戒心,可說中西手法皆同。while後面用進行式,表示當共犯在偷東西的同時,Eddie表達抱歉的動作同時間正在進行,因為是過去的事實,所以be動詞用過去式。

3.Within a week the incipient crimewave came to an end when Eddie inadvertently chose the chief of police for his victim.
within的意思是在...之內,如果這裡用in a week,就會變成一週後,會變成未來式。 something come to an end表示某事結束了,因為Eddie在太歲爺上動土,最後下場當然是被抓。

4.Although Eddie loathes Sing Sing, it is his permanent address now.
loathe是動詞,表示討厭,另一個字loath是形容詞,也是討厭不喜歡的意思。但使用動詞時,會是 loathe +Ving,使用形容詞會是 be + loath + to V. 兩者用法不同。Sing Sing是紐約監獄的名稱,美國常常會用某些東西的名字來作為某個東西的代名詞,這裡就是用Sing Sing取代監獄,就像她們會用影印機廠牌Xerox來稱呼影印機一樣。

2009年11月23日 星期一

Week 3 Day 1

Pep Talk
"If there's one thing I loathe," the coach said,"it's a quitter."He had good reason to reprimand us at half-time, because the score board revealed that we were losing, 45-20. Our lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary aspects of basketball. His caustic words fired us up, however, and we dashed out, determined to wrest the control of the game from our rivals.

"假如有什麼事是我痛恨的," 教練說,"那就是輕易放棄的人"。他有很好的理由來教訓我們,因為中場結束,記分板上的分數,我們是以45比20輸給對方。我們毫無生趣的表現向教練證明了我們早已忘記籃球比賽的基本精神。然而教練的諷刺言論激起我們的鬥志,我們因此在場上奮力衝刺,想要從對手身上奪回比賽的主導權。

1. loathe 討厭,痛恨 v.
2. raprimand 訓斥,斥責 v.
3. lackluster 無生氣的,無聊的 adj.
4. caustic 刻薄的,譏諷的 adj.
5. wrest 奪取 v.
6. rudimentary 基本的 adj. (Week 2 Day 4)

Today's Idiom
crocodile tears

1."If there's one thing I loathe," the coach said,"it's a quitter."
2.He had good reason to reprimand us at half-time, because the score board revealed that we were losing, 45-20.
3.Our lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary aspects of basketball.
4.His caustic words fired us up, however, and we dashed out, determined to wrest the control of the game from our rivals.

2009年11月20日 星期五

Week 2 Day 5

The Best Laid Plans
Gloria Rogers overslept and then had to sprint to catch the same Greyhound Bus that she boarded on the last Thursday of every month. After a three-hour uneventful ride, she finally arrived at the bus terminal where a courtesy van was ready to transport bus passengers to Visitors Day at State Penitentiary.
1.sprint 奮力而跑,衝刺 v.
2.greyhound 灰狗 n.
3.uneventful 平靜無事的 adj.
4.terminal 總站,終站 n.
5.courtesy van 接駁車 n.
6.penitentiary 監獄 n.

Although Gloria tried to act casual, she was more than a little nervous. Her boyfriend, Art, a convicted felon, had managed to gain admittance to the prison’s hospital on the pretext of having a gall bladder attack. Under her own slacks and bulky sweater, Gloria was wearing a set of clothes that she removed in the hospital bathroom and passed on to Art. He planned to use them after making his escape in the back of the prison ambulance that was parked outside his ward.
1. gall bladder 膽囊 n.
2. slack 寬鬆長褲 n.
3. ambulance 救護車 n.
4. ward 病房 n.

Art had spelled out his escape plan during Gloria’s last visit, spending an hour trying to cajole her into being his accomplice. All that she had to do was appear to have a seizure. Then she would fabricate a story about her epilepsy while Art, with the smuggled clothes concealed under his prison bathrobe, would slip out of the ward during the excitement. Unfortunately for the schemers, a vigilant hospital guard spotted Art climbing into the rear of the ambulance and quickly foiled the escape attempt. The result was that Art had three years added to his sentence and Gloria was imprisoned for her role in the misadventure.
1. spell out 詳加說明 v.
2. accomplice 共犯 n.
3. seizure (病的)發作 n.
4. epilepsy 癲癇,羊癇風 n.
5. smuggle 走私,偷運 v.
6. bathrobe 浴衣 n.
7. schemer 計劃者,謀士 n.
8. foil 挫敗,阻擾 v.

2009年11月19日 星期四

Week 2 Day 4

You've Got to be a Football Expert
As an avid football fan, I try to see every game the Jets play. Whenever I can cajole my father into accompanying me, I try to do so. He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the game,and since I am steeped in it, I enjoy explaining its intricate details to him. It certainly does enhance your appreciation of football when you are aware of every nuance of the sport.


1. avid 熱心的,熱情的 adj.
2. cajole 誘騙,勸誘 v.
誘騙某人做某事: cajole someone into Ving,用的是into這個介係詞,後面的動詞改用Ving的形式
3. rudimentary 基本的 adj.
4. enhance 提高,增加 v.
5. nuance 細微差別 n.
6. accompany 陪伴,伴隨 v.
7. steep 沉浸在... 中 adj.(Week 1 Day 1)
8. intricate 複雜精細的 adj.

Today's Idiom
to beard the lion in his den

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色
1. As an avid football fan, I try to see every game the Jets play.
every game the Jets play其實就是every game that the Jets play,當關係代名詞that代替的是一個受詞的地位,that可以省略。

2. Whenever I can cajole my father into accompanying me, I try to do so.
句末的so其實就是cajole my father into accompanying me,為了不要重複述說,就用so代替。

3.He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the game,and since I am steeped in it, I enjoy explaining its intricate details to him.

4.It certainly does enhance your appreciation of football when you are aware of every nuance of the sport.
最後一句 it是虛主詞,表示後面句子中的aware of every nuance of the sport。這裡用了certainly和does兩個字,表示絕對,真的,的意思。兩字的意思其實是完全一樣,所以用了兩個字表示很強調。does enhance= really enhance。be aware of表示明白,了解,of後面加的是名詞,或是Ving。

2009年11月18日 星期三

Week 2 Day 3

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde
Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital. When interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a tale of his medical experience, but he was so adroit at lying that he got away with it. It was not until the phony "doctor" began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud. In the annals of medical history there have been a number of such cases.

1.pretext 藉口 n.
2.fabricate 偽造,杜撰,製造 v.
3.adroit 靈巧的,熟練的 adj.
4.gesticulate 作手勢 v.
5.vigilant 警戒的,警惕的 adj.
6.surgeon 外科醫生 n.
7.get away with 僥倖成功,逃脫
8.phony 假的 adj.
9.scalpel 解剖刀 n.
10.fraud 騙局 n.
11.annals 歷史記載 n.(Week 1 Day 3)

Today's Idiom
a wet blanket

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
  • 標頭的 Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde就是一個很重要的人物。這其實是由作家Robert Louis Stevenson 在1886年所出版的一本書The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,中文翻譯為化身博士。這本書中主角Jekyll醫生原本是一個善人,但他個性中潛藏的邪惡促使他發明了一種藥水,可以讓人個性轉變身材改變而換成另一種身分而為所欲為。Jekyll醫生喝下藥水之後,搖身一變成為大家討厭的鄙俗男子Hyde。後來Jekyll and Hyde還被引用成為心理學雙重人格的代稱。而這篇文章用Dr. Jykell and Mr. Hyde的目的不是在說雙重人格的故事,而是指假扮成醫生的一場騙局。
1. Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital.
在什麼樣的藉口之下這個片語可以用under the pretext of...。 of後面接的要不是名詞,就是將動詞改成Ving的形式。

2. When interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a tale of his medical experience, but he was so adroit at lying that he got away with it.
第二句原來的複雜形式為when he was interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a story of his medical experience. 但因為when後面的子句跟主要子句的主詞是同一個人,可以將when後面的這個字句的主詞跟be動詞省略,變成when interviewed by the director。注意這邊的interviewed by the director其實就是被動語態,所以interview用的是 -ed 的模式,而不是 -ing的形式,因為這邊是他被面試,而不是他去面試其他人。have to 這個片語就是必須的意思,後面加原型動詞,這邊因為是過去的事情,所以用過去式had to 。
後面一句 but he was...是將前面的語氣作一個轉折,所以用but這個連接詞。意思就是說他雖然是假造故事來面試,但是實在是太會編了,所以連院長都被騙過去,以為是真的。so...that...的用法跟前面幾篇的文章用法都一樣,是一個非常實用的片語。
be adroit at的意思實際上就是 be good at的意思,凡是介係詞後面的動詞一定是Ving的形式。
lie這個字當做說謊時,動詞變化為 lie,lied, lied, 進行式為lying; 若lie這個字當躺,臥,放置時,動詞變化為lie, lay, lain,進行式一樣為lying。

3.It was not until the phony "doctor" began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud.

until跟not until的意思是不同的。until中文翻成直到...; not until中文翻成直到...才...。原句是倒裝句,原來應該可以寫成 a vigilant nurse was not able to detect the fraud until the phony doctor began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel.。若我們要強調語氣時,就可以使用倒裝句,將 until(連同後面接的動作的句子)拿到句子前面,再加上it is這個虛主詞,原來句子前有 not的就要和until(連同後面的動作的句子)一起拿到句首,所以原來的直述句,就寫成了作者所寫的這個句子。
當until出現時,不論前面是否有not,都表示until前面所做的動作會一直持續到until後面的動作出現為止。以這一句來看,護士沒辦法查覺是騙子的這件事(until前面所做的動作)會一直持續到假醫生亂揮舞解剖刀(until後面的動作)為止,換句話說 就是直到假醫生亂揮舞解剖刀後,護士發覺這個人是一個大騙子。

4.In the annals of medical history there have been a number of such cases.
最後一句很簡單,只要注意中文的"有",在英文上未必是用have/has表達,在這裡要用 there is/are的方式來表達。這裡用現在完成式,表示這種例子已經有很多發生過了。

2009年11月17日 星期二

Week 2 Day 2

If I Had the Wings of Angel
Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog. A plethora of escapes from the supposedly secure prison embarrassed the hapless warden. To compound their problems, the city officials were badgered by irate citizens who accused the prison guards of accepting bribes from the convicts whose motto was:" Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage."

1. furtive 偷偷的 adj.
2. felon 重罪犯 n.
3. plethora 過多 n.
4. hapless 不幸的 adj.
5. irate 生氣的,憤怒的 adj.
6. warden 典獄長 n.
7. compound 增加,加重 v. (Week 1 Day 3)
8. badger 煩擾,糾纏 v. (Week 1 Day 4)
9. accuse 指控 v.
10. bribe 賄賂 n.
11. convict 囚犯 n.

Today's Idiom
Pyrrhic victory
西元前279年,羅馬軍隊和希臘北部Epirus的國王Pyrrhus率領的大軍在Asculum打仗,這一仗羅馬軍隊敗北,Pyrrhus勝利,但是他卻損失了許多重要的領袖官員及軍隊。Pyrrhus那時說了一句話,他說Another such victory and we are lost,意思就是雖然贏得勝利,但是因為損失很慘重,如果再來一役,必定慘敗。後來Pyrrhic victory就引申為代價相當昂貴的勝利。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1. Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog.
第一句話用V+ing開始,原句應該可以寫成 The felon casted a frutive glance....and he slipped out....。因為兩句的主詞一樣,做這個動作的人就是後面的主詞 the felon,所以前面可以省略主詞而改用V+ing的方式。

2.A plethora of escapes from the supposedly secure prison embarrassed the hapless warden.
a plethora of +N. 表示過多的.... 這邊表示越獄過多使典獄長難堪,而from the suppposedly secure prison則是以介係詞片語來形容escapes ,原句也可以用關係代名詞來表示,寫成 a plethora of escapes that are from.... 把that are省略就變成了這個句子的樣式。 embarrass是指害羞尷尬難堪,跟interest, confuse, bore, surprise, excite等情緒動詞使用方式一樣,若用動詞方式,一定是 something embarrasses someone,某事讓某人難堪。若是人感到難堪,會用someone be embarrassed with/by something 。

3.To compound their problems, the city officials were badgered by irate citizens who accused the prison guards of accepting bribes from the convicts whose motto was:" Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage."
第三句先用不定詞開頭,是什麼造成問題更多呢,就是後面的句子所提到的事情了。the city officials were badgered by irate citizens這句話是標準的被動語態,主詞+ be +p.p. +by ...,因為是在過去發生的,所以用過去式的be動詞。 那又是什麼樣的citizens 呢? 所以用關係代名詞who來形容citizens。也就是居民們控訴守衛收賄,後面的whose則是關係代名詞,代表誰的..。這裡指的是convicts的座右銘,所以用whose motto。後面這句motto則是一個倒裝句,原句應該是Stone walls do not make a prison; iron bars do not make a cage, either. 因為是用詩的形式,句子就可以倒裝,所以前一段話改成 stone walls do not a prison make, 後一段話用nor開頭, 因為形式都是一樣的,所以把動詞直接省略,就寫成了 nor iron bars a cage, 其實就是nor do iron bars make a cage。

2009年11月16日 星期一

Week 2 Day 1

To the Point
Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named "silent cal" by reporters because of his laconic speech.One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of reporters gathered around the Chief Executive.One intrepid reporter accosted him:"Mr. President, we know the sermon is on the topic of sin, what did the minister say?" "He was against it, " the reticent Coolidge replied.
因為他簡潔的言論,美國記者們給他們第十三任總統Calvin Coolidge取個沉默凱爾的綽號。某一個星期天,在Coolidge先生聽完一個永無止盡的佈道後,一群記者聚集在總統身旁。其中一個很勇敢的記者接近總統並發問:"總統先生,我們知道這次的佈道主題是關於罪惡,請問牧師怎麼闡述?"沉默的Coolidge回答說:"他反對罪惡"。
1. laconic 簡潔的 adj.
2. throng 大群 n.
3. interpid 勇敢的 adj.
4. accost 接近與之攀談 v.
5. reticent 無言的,沉默的 adj.
6. to the point 扼要
7. interminable 永無止境的 adj. (Week 1 Day 4)
8. sermon 佈道 n.
9. Chief Executive 總統 n.
10. minister 牧師 n.

Today's Idiom
The sword of Damocles

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連接詞橘色
1. Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named "silent cal" by reporters because of his laconic speech.
第一句當中的Calvin Coolidge就是故事的主角,也是主詞,用兩個逗號所夾的名詞片語來說明他是誰,他就是美國第十三任總統。這裡用到被動語態的基本句型: 主詞 + be + p.p.+by +someone
被誰取暱稱會用被動語態,所以用was named by reporters ,取名叫做silent cal 就當named後面的受詞。後面還說明原因,用because of這個片語時,跟because的差異就在於 because of +名詞, because + 子句。

2.One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of reporters gathered around the Chief Executive.
第二句開頭先說明時間,然後再用after這個連接詞來表達事情發生的狀況。had listened to 用過去完成式來表達,表示整個故事都是在過去的時間所發生的,而在過去那段時間中,Coolidge已經聽完一場佈道,所以用過去完成式。也就是聽佈道這件事,在過去某個時間已經完成,而整個故事是過去式表達,所以用過去完成式。

3.One intrepid reporter accosted him:"Mr. President, we know the sermon is on the topic of sin, what did the minister say?" "He was against it, " the reticent Coolidge replied.
第三句利用對話的方式完成,使用了引號(quotation mark)(" ")。當在寫引號中的句子時,就視同一般的普通句子來寫,也就是怎麼說就怎麼寫,不需要改變主詞動詞等等的位置。

2009年11月13日 星期五

Week 1 Day 5

Reggie the Con Man
In the annals of crime, there are few scoundrels who could match the exploits of Reggie Hayes, who also used the names of Reginald Haven, Ricardo Hermosa, Father Harris, and dozens of other aliases. Reggie’s police record, principally in Chicago and Baltimore, is replete with scams that he perpetrated upon gullible people. Generally, his favorite target was a matron who should have known better.
1. con man詐欺的騙子 n.
2. scoundrels 壞蛋,惡棍 n.
3. exploit 功績,成就 n.
4. alias 化名,別名 n.
5. scam 陰謀,騙局 n.
6. perpetrate 做(壞事),犯(罪) v.
7. gullible 易受騙的 adj.
Dressed as a priest(“Father Harris”), he was most convincing, however. His method of operation was to “find” a wallet stuffed with hundred dollar bills outside a supermarket and then implored an unsuspecting woman to share his good fortune, since there was no identification in the wallet. But first, to establish her credibility, his victim had to put up a sum of money as a testimonial to her good faith. Mrs. Emma Schultz, age 72, tearfully told the police that she had withdrawn $14,000 from her bank and placed it in a shopping bag supplied by the helping priest. He told her to hold onto the bag while hw went next door to a lawyer’s office to make the sharing of their good fortune legal.
1. convincing 使人信服的 adj.
2. unsuspecting 不懷疑的 adj.
3. identification 身分證明 n.
4. credibility 可信性 n.
5. testimonial 證明 n.
6. legal 合法的 adj.
After a seemingly interminable wait, Mrs. Schultz discovered to her chagrin that the heartless thief had skipped out the back way, leaving her “holding the bag” –a switched bag containing shredded newspaper –while he made his getaway with her life savings.
1. chagrin 懊悔 n.
2. leave holding the bag
用在idiom上是指拋棄某人,迫使某人承擔責任或是承擔罪過,這裡純粹 就是指讓他拿著這個袋子
3. shredded 切碎的 adj.
4. getaway 逃走 n.

2009年11月12日 星期四

Week 1 Day 4

How Not to Get Your Way
It is difficult to change someone's opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to "get off his back'' when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged.


1.badger 困擾糾纏v.
同義字 pester, nag
2.implore 懇求 乞求v.
同義字 plead, beg
如果要表達懇求什麼東西時,用implore for這個介係詞
EX:The prisoner implored the king for mercy.
3.drudgery 苦工,單調沉悶的工作n.
同義字 labor, toll
4.interminable 沒完沒了的,無止盡的adj.
同義字 endless, unending
5.perceive 察覺,意識到,理解v.
6.get one's way 讓別人聽從你的話作事
7.get off one's back 不再打擾某人
8.privilege特權 n.

Today's Idiom
To pour oil on troubled waters

Grammars 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色 連結詞橘色
1.It is difficult to change someone's opinion by badgering him.
用 it is +adj. + to 原型動詞 ...表示做動詞的那件事是很 前面的形容詞。這邊的by其實就是by the way of 藉由什麼的方式,介係詞後面的動詞一定是用Ving的形式。

2.The child who begs his mother to "get off his back'' when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself.
原來的單純句子就是the child may plead for ...when he wants....。當小孩要什麼東西的時候就會永無止盡的乞求。在the child後面用關係代名詞who來形容這樣的小孩,卻在媽媽要求他做家事時會覺得反感,希望媽媽快走開。將兩句合併就是所看到的句子,兩個狀況可以直接用一個句子解決。

3.How paradoxical that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged.
how + adj.+that...的用法跟昨天解釋一樣。 neither這個字是兩者都不,這邊是代名詞,表示媽媽跟小孩都不希望被嘮叨。另一個字either則是兩者當中有一個是。

2009年11月11日 星期三

Week 1 Day 3

It's a Man's World
How paradoxical that the world's greatest chefs have all been men! Cooking would clearly seem to be a field which lies exclusively within women's realm, yet the annals of cookery are replete with masculine names: Brillat Savarin, Ritz, Diat, Larousse. To compound the puzzle, there has rarely been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the masculinity of these heroes of cuisine.

這是多麼自相矛盾的事阿:全世界最好的廚師居然都是男人!煮飯這件事,應該很明確的就是單獨屬於女人領域的事情,然而烹飪史上的紀錄中不論Brillat Savarin, Ritz, Diat, Larousse都是男性的名字。更讓人困惑的是,居然鮮少有任何的傳聞或是流言懷疑這些男性烹飪英雄的正當性。

1. paradox 自相矛盾的議論 n.
2. realm 領土,領域 n.
3.annals 歷史記載 n.
4.compound 增加,加重 v.
5.tinge 一絲,一點 n.
a tinge of 表示一點點,一絲絲

Today's Idiom
a flash in the pan
flash是指火光的一閃,pan在這裡是指lockpan就是手槍的槍機。在十七世紀時,當時所使用的一種槍械,當它發射的時候,必須點燃槍機內膛中的火藥。若不幸沒有點燃火藥,子彈就無法順利射擊,而變成槍機中的火光,flash in the pan,所以用來意指剛開始覺得大有可為但最後卻失敗,讓人失望的事。

Grammars 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色
1.How paradoxical that the world's greatest chefs have all been men!
在表達驚嘆語氣時,常會用how+adj. +主詞+動詞 來表示
例如 How brave you are!你真是太勇敢了! 若跟You are brave!來比較,在這裡,前者顯然是加重稱讚的語氣。這裡也運用相同的方式,只不過把後面改成以that+子句的方式來表達,也就是that後面所說的東西(the world's greatest chefs have all been men),是多麼的前面的形容詞(paradoxical)。

2.Cooking would clearly seem to be a field which lies exclusively within women's realm, yet the annals of cookery are replete with masculine names: Brillat Savarin, Ritz, Diat, Larousse.
主要句子cooking...中seem to 的片語用法為 "事情 seem to + 原型動詞" which後面的句子是用來形容field的。然後用yet表達轉折的語氣,可是,然而。yet是連接詞,所以後面也帶出一個完整的句子 replete with這個片語就是前面Week 1 Day 1所學過的,後面的文章都會出現前面學過的字,就是這本書最大的特點。

3.To compound the puzzle, there has rarely been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the masculinity of these heroes of cuisine.
to + 原型動詞這樣的句型,有的時候有in order to (為了)的意思,這裡就有致使的意味存在。
there is(有)用現在完成式表達,表示從以前到現在都鮮少有任何一點點的話語。後面用Ving的形式來表達 其實就是 that casts doubts on.... 把關係代名詞that省略後,動詞要用Ving的形式。

文章中用了cooking, cookery, cuisine其實都是煮菜烹飪,但是用字就變化多了。

2009年11月10日 星期二

Week 1 Day 2

Solving the Servant Problem
The worlds of science-fiction abound with wonders. Yet modern technology progress so rapidly that what may be today's wild dream may be next year's kitchen appliance. A British scientist has prognosticated that within ten years every suburban matron will have her own robot servant. One task this domesticated automaton will not have to content with will be scouring the oven because even today the newest ranges can be ``programmed'' to reduce their own baked-on grime to easily disposed of ashes.

1. abound 大量存在 v.
同義字 teem,swarm
當在使用「大量充滿 something 」的片語時,可以用abound with
Ex: The river abounds with fish.
2.technology 科技 n.
3.prognosticate 預知 v.
4.automaton 機器人 n.
5.matron 已婚婦女 n.
6.scour 擦洗v.
7.grime 塵垢,汙點 n.

Today’s Idiom
a pig in a poke
poke的意思是袋子,不過現在只有美國南方才會使用,a pig in a poke就是指裝在袋子裡的豬。這個片語是從中世紀的晚期,市集通常是幾週才開市一次,商人農夫們都會在市集中以物易物。要交換的物品或牲畜就會裝在袋子裡,如果沒有仔細檢查袋子中的東西就換貨,可能回到家中才發現原來以為是換到價值不斐的小豬,卻變成了一文不值的小貓。所以引申為買了沒有事前先看過的東西,或者就直接變成讓人失望的東西。

Grammar 主詞藍色 動詞(片語)咖啡色 受詞綠色
1. The worlds of science-fiction abound with wonders.
第一句相當簡單。abound 這個字是動詞,當我們說什麼東西有很多什麼的時候,就用abounds with這個動詞片語。wonders這個字當名詞時,當作驚奇或奇觀,所以七大奇觀就用seven wonders來表示。
2.Yet modern technology progress so rapidly that what may be today's wild dream may be next year's kitchen appliance.
第二句話則是敘述科技的進展所帶來的進步。然後再運用so...that...的句型,如此...以至於...的方式。that後面帶出一個子句(子句其實就是一個有主詞動詞的完整句子受詞可有可無)that後面句子由what帶出主詞,關係代名詞what其實就是等於the things which... may be兩個字分開時就是住動詞加動詞,maybe合起來變成副詞,也許的意思。
3.A British scientist has prognosticated that within ten years every suburban matron will have her own robot servant.
第三句開頭則是用現在完成式,受詞變成that後面所帶的子句。has prognasticated意味這名科學家已經預測過的事情。within ten years表示在十年內,也許是一年,也許兩年,總之不會超過十年。作者運用suburban matron表示說就算在鄉村郊區的老婦女都會有自己的機器佣人,表示機器人在十年內會相當的普及。
4.One task this domesticated automaton will not have to content with will be scouring the oven because even today the newest ranges can be ``programmed'' to reduce their own baked-on grime to easily disposed of ashes.
第四句稍微長了點,one task will be scouring the oven,為了形容是什麼樣的task,用關係代名詞來當形容詞,原來的句子應該是one task that this domesticated automaton... 因為在這邊that可以省略,所以看不到that這個關係代名詞。也就是這個任務就是清理爐具。而這個任務是未來的家庭用機器人的功能所不能滿足的。為什麼呢?再用一個連結詞because來說明原因。才知道原來今日的爐具已經有這種自動清洗的功能,所以不用勞駕機器佣人來清理了。